Contemplating Calvin and The Best Possible World
Traditional Calvinism has five main points T-Total depravity, U-Unconditional election, L-Limited atonement, I-Irresistible grace, and P-Perseverance of the saint. I have heard talk about the seven points of Calvinism and recently discovered one person's interpretation of the two "extra" points. The two additional points are as follows: double predestination and the best-of-all-possible worlds. If you are reading this post you are probably expecting some sort of explanation or personal response to my finding... I will offer none at this time. I will say that "the-best-of-all-possible worlds is a interesting point that asserts and magnifies God's soveriegnty (not that double predestination does not), and therefore, has occupied much of my thinking today along with the fine art of BK modification.
By the end of the summer, I will have it all figured out. Well, I probably won't have it all figured out, but I know that I need to find out what I think about all of that for myself. Thank you for all of your wisdom, understanding, and patience.
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