Monday, June 06, 2005

With a little help from my friend(s)

It seems possible that when friends get together there is almost always a object which provides a means to the end. However, I wonder if the end is ever accomplished due to the means being a major consumer. I guess there is something to be said for the duration of the relationship and how it effects what the end can actually be. Or perhaps what I am thinking is the end, is really the means and the means is the end. In this case the duration doesn’t seem to influence the end, it would only make it more enjoyable. Personally, I desire a fix on the former rather than the pleasure of the latter.

Rod has written much to bring about these thoughts. I didn't realize that he had until after I finished the above paragraph.

"Somewhere there is a subtle(or not) difference in coming together to do something, versus doing something to be together. Both are valid, but should not be mistaken one for the other." - Rod

If you have the time, check out the cyberdeck posts hub and spoke community and the voice of intimacy - being .

Much of my thoughts and thoughts on Rod's thoughts find their roots on the avenue .


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