Monday, September 19, 2005

New Album

A friend and I went to an Andrew Peterson concert this past friday. He has a new album out that makes me homesick.

Monday, September 12, 2005

One Particular Harbor

On the trip from Atlanta to Columbia I found myself behind a vessel named “Beautiful.” I was in a thinking mood (Much of the weekend commutes find me this way), and I began to examine the ship, well, as much as I could see of it jutting out from underneath an old blue tarp. The vessel looked as old as the tarp and in need of a serious paint job. “Is that thing sea worthy?” I thought to myself as I imagined trying to sail it to some exotic port of call with Jimmy Buffet playing the soundtrack in my imagination. “What is beautiful about this twenty-something-foot sail boat?” I began to consider the possibilities. Perhaps the boat facilitates something beautiful rather then being an endorsement for its own cosmetic appeal. Maybe when the captain of the ship sails his vessel at sunset with a cold drink in his hand, the wind in his face, and has no orders for the moment to the crew of loved ones…with a grin would say, “beautiful.” I suppose that much like any other passer-by on the road I could has emerged from the sighting with a smirk and another obstacle passed; however, I think I came through with much more.
“What is the much more?” you might ask.
Look for and enjoy the beauty in the experience.