Bumper Land
Recently while on my drive home from work I found myself stuck in traffic. While waiting for my turn to move five feet only to come to complete stop number sixteen, I began to survey bumper land. "My kid is on the honer role," south carolina flags, and parking decals were the predominant scene. I proceeded my surveillance until my eyes caught a blue and red Kerry and Edwards sticker. At this point my mind took over. Why is it that someone would continue to display an advertisement for a Presidential election loser? I do not mean anything negative by "loser" only simply stating the fact that they lost. The election is over, the propaganda has been removed. I began to consider the options. Perhaps they have had no time to remove the sticker. The sticker would not come off. They think the election is not over. The sticker is to display their profound dislike of the choice made by the american people. They really, really like Kerry. They have not seen the back of their car. The list goes on.
I thought about it so much I was ready to pull up beside the car that boasted the adhesive banner and ask the question. Suddenly traffic began to move and the bumper sticker left my thoughts and was replaced with thoughts of home.